Try it yourself

We provide a Starter-Kit as guidelines for setting up the simulator and submit results. Here, we go through them in detail, and introduce the basic background about the simulator, template strategies and internvening APIs supported the simulator.

Installation Guide

Our simulator can run in multiple platforms. Here, we provide two kinds of installation.

Install in your environment

  1. Check that you have python 3 installed. Other version of python might work, however, we only tested on python with version >= 3.6.

  2. Preparation

    2.1 Install boost library and make sure you have libboost path added to your system path. We sugguest to use boost 1.58.0.

    • Mac OS: brew install boost

    • Linux:

      • Installation with sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
      • Locate with locate
      • Add the last step paths to your system path with export PATH={your paths}:$PATH
    • Windows: Please refer to install-boost-build

    2.2 Specify python environment

    Make sure you have compatible python environment that marches with the simulator. Currently, we support the following versions of python:

    • Mac OS: python 3.6, 3.7
    • Linux: python 3.6
  3. Clone Starter-Kit from GitHub and checkout at master branch.

git clone
  1. Go to Simualtor project’s root directory and run the following to test the installation
import simulator
eng = simulator.Engine


You might need to rename the .so file that corresponds with your system and python to

Use a docker

  1. Install docker with the docker instruction
  2. Pull the docker image. Please pull from docker hub, with the following command in your terminal.
docker pull episim2020/simulator:latest
  1. Clone Starter-Kit from GitHub and checkout at master branch.
git clone
  1. Create a docker container and map starter-kit into the containter by typing the following command in your terminal.
docker run -it -v path/to/starter-kit/in/your/local/computer:path/to/starter-kit/in/docker/containter episim2020/simulator
  1. You should have entered the container. Please navigate to the starter-kit folder in docker containter, then you can run the following command to start an experiment.


  1. For other uses of docker, please refer to docker run.
  2. Please pay attention to the security of your files, since docker container will be granted the access to change your files in the folders that you have mapped into the container. Please use carefully at your own risk.
  3. The dockerfile to build this image is also attached here. You can build your own image for personalized use. For this approach, please download the specified anaconda. version. You need to put it in the same folder as the docker file. (Remember to change the file name in the dockerfile if you are using a different version.) Then, you can run the following command to build an image.
docker build -t simulator -f simulator.Dockerfile
  1. Docker container will be destroyed after you exit. If you wish to install your own package, we recommend you to build your own image based on our image. Please refer to this link

Run Simulation

Initiate engine

import simulator
eng = simulator.Engine(thread_num=1, write_mode="append", specified_run_name="test", scenario="scenario1")
eng.reset() # reset() should be called right after the create of engine
  • thread_num: number of threads.
  • specified_run_name: results saving folder name.
  • write_mode: mode of saving simulation results, write will overwrite results from different rounds of simulation in the same specified_run_name folder, append will append the results from current simulation round to existing result files.
  • scenario: the scenario to choose to run the experiment. Possible choices are scenario1, scenario2, scenario3, scenario4, scenario5, and submit. All other arguments will be invalid.

Simulate one step

To simulate one step, simply call eng.next_step().


Sample codes

Here we provide a sample code for running our simulator, which can be found in the starter kit -

import simulator
import os
import json

period = 840

engine = simulator.Engine(thread_num=1, write_mode="write", specified_run_name="test", scenario="scenario1")

for i in range(period):

    # Here, we give the example to get the information about individual with id 1
    individual_id = 1

    # Here, we give the example to get the information about region with id 1
    region_id = 1

    # Here, we give the example to set actions for individual with id 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively
    engine.set_individual_confine_days({1: 5}) # {individualID: day}
    engine.set_individual_quarantine_days({2: 5}) # {individualID: day}
    engine.set_individual_isolate_days({3: 5}) # {individualID: day}
    engine.set_individual_to_treat({4: True}) # {individualID: day}

del engine


During simulation, the simulator will generate the submission file sub_xxx.txt and log files. xxx corresponds with your specified_run_name when initiating the engine simulator.Engine(specified_run_name="xxx").


In order to generate the submission, you need to select the scenario as “submit”. This will run the simulation for 5 scenarios, with each scenario for 3 rounds. Every round will have a length of 840 steps (60 simulation days). Every 840 steps, the simulator will automatically start a new round. Every 840*3 steps, the simulator will automatically switch to a new scenario.

import simulator
import os
import json

period = 840

engine = simulator.Engine(thread_num=1, write_mode="write", specified_run_name="test", scenario="submit")

for ind_round in range(15):
    # Here, we have 15 rounds of testing. Each round contains 840 steps.
    # Each of the 5 scenarios will be run for 3 times. But their order is unknown here.
    for i in range(period):


        # Here, we give the example to get the information about individual with id 1
        individual_id = 1

        # Here, we give the example to get the information about region with id 1
        region_id = 1

        # Here, we give the example to set actions for individual with id 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively
        engine.set_individual_confine_days({1: 5}) # {individualID: day}
        engine.set_individual_quarantine_days({2: 5}) # {individualID: day}
        engine.set_individual_isolate_days({3: 5}) # {individualID: day}
        engine.set_individual_to_treat({4: True}) # {individualID: day}

del engine

Before submission, make sure:

  • You are running the simulation for 840 time steps (60 simulation days in simulator).
  • You are required to set the engine scenario to “submit” with simulator.Engine(scenario="submit"), and run 840 steps in each scenatio for 3 times of your subsequent codes.
  • You are supposed to use one model to run over five scenarios.
  • Please upload the sub_xxx.txt to the website.

Here we provide a sample code of simulation that matches with submission requirements, which can be found here.


We also provide simulaiton logs to competetors.

  1. The city-wide daily log file cnt_xxx.txt.
  2. The area level daily log file hex_cnt_xxx.txt.
  3. The city-wide daily r file r0_xxx.txt.

Their Formats are as follows:

  1. ‘cnt_xxx.txt’:
# Name Data Tpye Example Data Description
0 day int 0 Current day in simulation
1 hospitalizeNum int 0 # of hospitalized people
2 isolateNum int 0 # of isolated people
3 quarantineNum int 0 # of quarantined people
4 confineNumfree_num int 0 # of confined people
5 free int 201 # of people without intervention
6 CurrentHealthy int 199 # of people that are not infected
7 CurrentInfected int 2 # of infected cases
7 CurrentEffective int 2 # of infected cases without any intervention
9 CurrentSusceptible int 199 # of susceptible people
10 CurrentIncubation int 2 # of pre-symptomatic cases
11 CurrentDiscovered int 0 # of symptomatic cases
12 CurrentCritical int 0 # of critical cases
13 CurrentRecovered int 0 # of recovered cases
14 AccDiscovered int 0 Accumulated # of symptomatic cases
15 AccCritical int 0 Accumulated # of critical cases
16 AccAcquaintance int 0 Accumulated # of infected through stranger contacts
17 AccStranger int 0 Accumulated # of infected through acquaintance contacts
18 measurement int 2 an example measurement
  1. hex_cnt_xxx.txt: Area-level replay data file.
# header Data Tpye Example Data Description
0 day int 0 Current day in simulation
1 area_id int 0 area id
2 lat double 114.05019 latitude
3 lng double 30.445043 langitude
4 CurrentSusceptible int 26 # of susceptible cases
5 CurrentIncubation int 0 # of pre-symptomatic cases
6 CurrentDiscovered int 0 # of discovered cases
7 CurrentCritical int 0 # of critical cases
8 CurrentRecovered int 0 # of recovered cases
9 CurrentInfected int 0 # of infected cases
10 free int 26 # of people without intervention
  1. “r0_xxx.txt”: daily R-value (effective reproduction number).
# header Data Tpye Example Data Description
0 day int 0 Current day in simulation
1 r double 0.889 R value


The calculation of R is based on:

  • Fred Brauer. (2010, July). Epidemic Models I: Reproduction Numbers and Final Size Relations. Summer 2010 Thematic Program on the Mathematics of Drug Resistance in Infectious Diseases, Toronto, Canada.

Sample codes for an example policy

Here we provide a sample code that implements an example policy, which would hospitalize the discovered cases and futhermore, isolate individuals with high (estimated) probability of getting infected. The probability of an individual getting infected is estimated through his/her contacting history with discovered cases. The codes can also be found in the starter kit -

import simulator
import numpy as np
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--scenario", type=str, help='scenario',default='scenario1')
parser.add_argument("--save_name", type=str, help='save_name',default='test')

parser.add_argument("--control_period", type=int, help='total_period',default=14)
parser.add_argument("--prob_s", type=float, help='prob_s',default=0.005)
parser.add_argument("--i_threshold", type=float, help='isolate_threshold',default=0.001)
parser.add_argument("--i_days", type=int, help='isolate_threshold',default=5)

args = parser.parse_args()

# Parameters
pop = 10000
total_period = 840 if args.scenario != 'submit' else 12600
control_period = args.control_period
prob_s = args.prob_s
isolate_threshold = args.i_threshold
isolate_days= args.i_days

# Initialize engine
file_name = args.save_name + '_' + str(args.i_threshold) + '_' + str(args.i_days)
engine = simulator.Engine(thread_num=8, write_mode="write", specified_run_name=file_name, scenario=args.scenario)

# Start
for control_period_ in range(total_period // control_period):
    # Get current observations
    current_intervene = np.array([engine.get_individual_intervention_state(i) for i in range(pop)])
    current_infection = np.array([engine.get_individual_infection_state(i) for i in range(pop)])
    current_symptomatic = np.bitwise_or(current_infection == 3, current_infection == 4)
    current_symptomatic_set = set(np.where(current_symptomatic)[0])
    current_notsymptomatic_set = set(np.where(~current_symptomatic)[0])
    # Set treat
    set_treat = np.bitwise_and(current_symptomatic, current_intervene != 5)
    set_treat = np.where(set_treat)[0]
    set_individual_hospitalize = {i:True for i in set_treat}
    # Estimate the prob of being (not) infected
    current_discovered = set_treat
    num_areas = len(engine.get_all_area_category())
    prob_not_infected_by_discovered = np.ones(10000) # Initialize prob_not_infected_by_discovered
    prob_not_infected_by_discovered[current_symptomatic] = 0
    for loc_id in range(num_areas):
        his = engine.get_area_visited_history(loc_id) # find past individuals that visited the area
        for his_ in his: # for one hour
            his_set = set(his_)
            # symtomatic/non-symtomatic individuals visited loc_id during this hour
            his_discovered = his_set & current_symptomatic_set
            his_healthy = his_set & current_notsymptomatic_set
            # estimate the probability of being infected by symptomatic individuals
            sum_prob_infected = (1-prob_not_infected_by_discovered[list(his_healthy)]).sum()
            his_prob_infect = prob_s * len(his_discovered) / (len(his_)+1e-7)
            prob_not_infected_by_discovered[list(his_healthy)] *= 1-his_prob_infect
    # Set isolate
    set_isolate = np.bitwise_and(prob_not_infected_by_discovered < 1 - isolate_threshold, current_intervene == 1)
    set_isolate = np.where(set_isolate)[0]
    set_individual_isolate = {i:isolate_days for i in set_isolate}
    # Simulate
    for i in range(control_period):