Simulation Initialization API

Engine(thread_num=1, write_mode="append", specified_run_name="test", scenario="scenario1"):

  • Args:

    • thread_num: number of threads.
    • specified_run_name: results saving folder name.
    • write_mode: mode of saving simulation results, write will overwrite results from different rounds of simulation in the same specified_run_name folder, append will append the results from current simulation round to existing result files.
    • scenario: the scenario to choose to run the experiment. Possible choices are scenario1, scenario2, scenario3, scenario4, scenario5, and submit. All other arguments will be invalid.
  • Return: an initialized engine without reset(), should call reset() after this function.

Simulation Config API


  • Reset the simulation, this should be called after we creat an engine with Engine()
  • Reset random seed if seed is set to True


  • Set seed of random generator to seed
  • Input format: int


  • Simulate one step, a simulation step indicates one hour in the real world.


  1. reset() should be called every time we creat an engine with Engine()
  2. All the IDs for men and areas start from 0.

Data Access API


  • Args: individualID - id for individual
  • Return: the ID of this individual’s residential area.


  • Args: individualID - id for individual
  • Return: the ID of this individual’s working area.


  • Args: individualID - id for individual
  • Return: an list of individual IDs of this individual’s acquantaince contacts in residential area.


  • Args: individualID - id for individual
  • Return: an list of individual IDs of this individual’s acquantaince contacts in working area.


  • Args: individualID - id for individual
  • Return: infection status of this individual, 1: susceptible or pre-symptomatic, 3: symptomatic, 4: critical, 5: recovered.


The returned infection state is 1 when an individual is susceptible or pre-symptomatic.


  • Args: individualID - id for individual
  • Return: instervention status of this individual, 0: no such individual id, 1: without intervention, 2: confined, 3: quarantined, 4: isolated, 5: hospitalized.


  • Args: areaID - id for the area
  • Return: a 2D list of the visited history of one area in past 5 days. Each of the inner 1D list represents the history for one hour. The order of the list is chronological, with the earlist time appearing the first in the list. Specifically, areaID=-1 stands for hospital and isolation.

[[individualID1, individualID2, individualID3, …], [individualID7, individualID8,]]


  • Args: individualID
  • Return: a 1D list of the id of the areas that he/she has visited in past 5 days. The order of the list is chronological, with the earlist time appearing the first in the list.

[areaID1, areaID2, …].

get_individual_visited_history_with_p_infection(individualID): (This API is deprecated.)

  • Args: individualID
  • Return: a 2D list of the probabilities of geting infected (from acquantaince contacts and stranger contacts) in the areas that he/she has visited in past 5 days. The order of the list is chronological, with the earlist time appearing the first in the list. This should be corresponding with get_individual_visited_history.

[[p_acq1, p_stranger1], [p_acq2, p_stranger2], …]


The calculation of the probability is based on the SIR model from this paper:

  • William Ogilvy Kermack and Anderson G McKendrick. A contribution to the mathematical theory of epidemics. Proceedings of the royal society of london. Series A, Containing papers of a mathematical and physical character, 115(772):700–721, 1927.


  • Return: a dictionary with all area id as the keys, and the category of the area as the value, 0: residential, 1: working, 2: commercial


  • Return: a dictionary with all area id as the keys, and the list of individualID who live in this area as the value


  • Args: areaID
  • Return: an int representing the number of infected (symptomatic and critical) people in this area


  • Return the total number of people not in hospital of the whole environment.

get_infect_count(): (This API is deprecated.)

  • Return the number of infected people in the whole environment.


  • Return the number of hospitalized people in the whole environment.


  • Return the number of isolated people in the whole environment.


  • Return the number of quanrantined people in the whole environment.


  • Return the number of confined people in the whole environment.


  • Return the number of stranger contacts.


  • Return the number of acquaintance contacts.


  • Get simulation time (in hour)
  • Return a int, starting from 0


  • Get simulation time (in hour of day)
  • Return a int, ranging from 0 to 13


  • Get simulation time (in day)
  • Return a int, starting from 0

Intervention API

Intervention APIs are only effective when being called at the start of one day.


  • Args: days_to_isolate
    • a dictionary with individualID as key and days for each person to be isolated as value. The days should be positive integers (\(\geq 1\)). If the value of day is smaller than 1, the corresponding individual to isolate 1 day.


  • Args: days_to_quarantine
    • a dictionary with individualID as key and days for each person to be quarantined as value. The days should be positive integers (\(\geq 1\)). If the value of day is smaller than 1, the corresponding individual to quarantine 1 day.


  • Args: days_to_confine
    • a dictionary with individualID as key and days for each person to be confined as value. The days should be positive integers (\(\geq 1\)). If the value of day is smaller than 1, the corresponding individual to confine 1 day.


  • Args: if_treat
    • a dictionary with individualID as key and whether he/she is sent to be treated as value. Once set true, he/she will be staying in hospital for \(𝑇𝑅𝐸𝐴𝑇\) days (\(𝑇𝑅𝐸𝐴𝑇=15\)).


  • When an individual is intended with multiple interventions, only the highest level of intervention will be applied.
  • When an individual is intended with multiple interventions at different days, the later intervention will update the older ones. For example, an individual is intended to be isolated \(N\) days at the \(i\)-th day. If later on day \(i+j\)-th \((j<N)\), he/she is set up to be confined, his/her intervention status will be updated to be confined, starting from \(i+j\)-th day.
  • Intervention actions are only effective when being set at the start of one day.

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